About Me

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Shannon Braxton (she/her), MS, LPCC-S, CCTP-II, CYT-200

I'm here to help you gain self-confidence and heal from the effects of toxic relationships.

As an Ohio-based Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor, I feel it is a privilege to be able to walk alongside others and help guide their healing. 

I have a knack for seeing the best in others and helping them discover their true selves.

My journey began with a bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies from Kent State University, where I gained extensive knowledge about issues related to individuals and relationships across the lifespan. In 2015, I obtained a master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. With this experience I was able to translate my knowledge into actionable interventions that have been helping my clients transform their lives.

My goal is not only to help you better understand yourself, but more importantly, to find self-love.

I’ll help you make connections to experiences in your life that have negatively impacted your self-esteem while also teaching you skills to manage stress and improve relationships.

Put yourself first. Start today.

Are you ready to take the first step?

My Values


I want you to feel comfortable and at ease when we talk. I use HIPAA-secure technology for telehealth sessions so your information will always be protected at the highest level possible.


Anti-racism work is about intentionally acknowledging and confronting privileges, biases, and discriminating systems (including the mental health system) that work to disenfranchise and marginalize racial and ethnic groups. This work is never complete.


You are accepted here. You are not bad for decisions made out of fear, anxiety, or uncertainty. No matter what comes up in session, let’s go with that.


Our society tells us that if you can’t keep up, you’ll get left behind. Not here. I understand that life happens, and it often takes making some mistakes before getting the desired result. I will work with you to move at your own pace. 

Reach out to me today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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