Meditation for when you don’t feel like meditating

Meditation and mindfulness can be such great tools for coping and maintaining a positive self-care routine. Research suggests that mindfulness can even promote brain growth when practiced consistently over time. I usually recommend my clients start with a daily practice of a few minutes per day, but even that can become challenging. 

What do you do when your mind is racing, and your body is screaming “no!” at the idea of slowing down?

Below I have created a 5-minute meditation for those times when you just don’t want to practice self-care but also want to keep up the good habit you’ve been building.

Start by noticing your breathing. Do not change it. Just notice it, describe it if you can. Take 10-15 seconds.

Now, begin to ask yourself these questions:

What do I want?

What is it that your mind is wanting to focus on instead of meditating? What might those thoughts be trying to do for you? Are you wanting to disconnect? Get things accomplished? Identify a potential danger instead? Be curious.

What do I feel?

Notice how you feel when you think these thoughts. Name some emotions. Also name any body sensations. Allow these feelings to sit with you for 30-60 seconds. Breathe into it.

What do I need?

Comfort? Safety? Support? Solitude?

How can you get that need met? It might be taking a moment (sometimes even just a minute) alone in the bathroom if you need solitude. Other times you may need to call a friend for support or reassurance. Gentle exercise or stretching can be a great source of self-comfort or a sense of completion. 

Make a plan. Take 15-20 seconds before carefully returning your focus back to your day.

Ultimately, self-care is about spending time with yourself, 

learning your needs and exploring how to meet those needs. 

It’s a process developed over time, and it’s not always easy, 

so congratulations for taking this step!

If you’d like additional support with managing your mental health needs, contact me for more information on getting started with individual therapy.